June 2019

Flooring Types

Flooring Types

Flooring Types Currently Used in Renovation and Building As a builder or re-modeler, your choice of flooring materials must satisfy your customers as well as your project budget. And if you're fixing up a property as a rental investment, the flooring must be suitable for significant wear and tear. Some flooring choices are no-brainers: tile in bathrooms, for instance. Others are subject to the home's...

Balcony Barbecuing

Balcony Barbecuing

Balcony Barbecuing 5 Fire Safety Tips for Balcony Barbecuing You can enjoy the wonders of barbecue cooking right on your balcony if you follow basic fire safety tips. A simple accident can cause major damage to your own apartment and to your neighbor’s. Before you start, review these 5 tips for safe barbecuing: Don’t Use Propane There are many choices for grills, but a propane barbecue...

Renting An Apartment

Tips For Renting An Apartment

Renting An Apartment What you pay for your apartment and how fancy it is depends on your negotiation and deal-finding skills. However, before you negotiate anything, you've got to decide what you're looking for in your rented space. Read on for six steps to help you find an apartment for the lowest possible rental rate. No. 1: Seek Web Help in Picking Features If you don't know what features are...

Decorate With Vintage Ladders

Decorate With Ladders Decorative Wooden Ladder Ideas When a ladder is no longer safe to climb, it used to be forgotten about and exposed to the elements. In recent years, savvy homeowners have been re-purposing these unused wooden gems into some fun home decor projects. One tried-and-true way to add rustic appeal to your home is to decorate with ladders. A worn-out vintage ladder is filled with...

Outdoor Kitchen

6 Reasons Why You Should Build an Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor Kitchen As outdoor rooms and living spaces rise in popularity, so do cooking spaces—especially outdoor kitchens. Grilling and dining outdoors are the most common reasons for spending time in one's yard or space. Outdoor kitchen equipment can be added in modular units, starting with a grill, then adding appliances and features like counters and islands as your needs and interests grow. So, is it...

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