Outdoor Kitchen

6 Reasons Why You Should Build an Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor Kitchen As outdoor rooms and living spaces rise in popularity, so do cooking spaces—especially outdoor kitchens. Grilling and dining outdoors are the most common reasons for spending time in one's yard or space. Outdoor kitchen equipment can be added in modular units, starting with a grill, then adding appliances and features like counters and islands as your needs and interests grow. So, is it...

Open Shelving Ideas

Open Shelving Ideas to Divide and Conquer Your Space

Open Shelving Ideas to Divide and Conquer Your Space Once thought of as an organizational necessity hidden behind closed doors, shelves have come out of the closet and made a grand entry into the design world. Open shelving is not only an efficient and typically inexpensive way to sort, display and store your sundries, but can also make a space feel lighter, bigger and more … well, open. Here are some...

Space Under the Stairs

Inventive Ideas for That Space Under the Stairs

Space Under the Stairs Creative Uses for The Space Under the Stairs In a small home, every single square inch counts, from diminutive bedrooms to narrow hallways to tiny bathrooms. That also means that you’ll have to get very creative with your storage options. But never fear—you’re in luck. If there is some space available underneath your stairs, it doesn’t have to just sit there untouched....

Kitchen Cabinets

Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets in 5 Simple Steps

Kitchen Cabinets 1. Organizing Kitchen Cabinets in 5 Steps The amount of items that home cooks need to store in their kitchen cabinets is mind boggling. The sheer number of different types of items makes cabinets harder to organize than any other space in your kitchen and that is why sticking to a simple organization strategy is key. Namely, group like items with like items. See the basic process of...

Decorating Lamp Shades

Decorating Lamp Shades

Decorating Lamp Shades We all know how important lamps are for providing light in a beautiful and sophisticated room design -- but what about the shades? If you want to add a little pizzazz to your plain lampshades we've got a few easy tips for decorating lamp shades. 1) Ribbon is a crafter or decorator's best friend. Use glue or double-sided tape to arrange ribbon in any way you desire. Vertical or...

Prepare Your House for Sale

Prepare Your House for Sale

Prepare Your House for Sale Every seller wants her home to sell fast and bring top dollar, but it takes more than luck to make this happen. It involves careful planning and knowing how to professionally spruce up your home so that you'll convince home buyers to scurry for their checkbooks. Disassociate Yourself With Your Home Letting go can be difficult. You've lived here, possibly for years, and it's...

Flooring Materials

Pros and Cons of 5 Popular Bedroom Flooring Materials

Flooring Materials The flooring in your bedroom is a particularly intimate surface. It is the first thing your bare feet step onto in the morning and the last thing they touch before climbing into bed each night. The effect that bedroom flooring has on a person is both physical and psychological, making your choice of materials a particularly important design decision. There are many criteria you can use...

6 Tips for Decorating an Open Concept House

Open Concept Houses Making rooms flow together in a closed concept space can be a challenge, but so can it be in an open-concept house. In an open-concept home, it's even more important to make sure that all the elements work together and the space looks cohesive. Here are some tips for decorating an open concept house. Use Area Rugs to Define Spaces One of the best ways to define a space is with an...

Home Decor for Spring

Home Decor for Spring

Home Decor for Spring It’s time to put away the heavy fabrics and dark accessories and bring out the lighter and brighter looks for spring. Here are some easy spring updates guaranteed to get rid of your winter blahs. Bright Colors Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal in the outdoors, so have your interior mimic the same thing. Put away some of the dark colors that felt so cozy in the winter and...

Decorating Tips for Your First Place

Decorating Tips for Your First Place

Decorating Tips for Your First Place Whether you rent, recently moved into your first home, or just have a limited budget, high-end furnishings, and home accessories can be out of reach for many, especially if you're just starting out. But that doesn't mean your first place has to look like a dorm room. There are several tips and tricks you can use to give your starter home or apartment more grown-u...


7 Places You’re Forgetting to Clean

Places You're Forgetting to Clean When you walk into a room, it's usually easy to see what needs to be cleaned up. There's a pile of dirty laundry just waiting to be done; or the kitchen sink is piled with dirty dishes, pots and pans. But once the obvious things are cleaned away, do you forget about the rest of the room? Take a look at seven places you're forgetting to clean. Undersides of...

Doors and Windows

How to Position Doors and Windows in a Feng Shui Floor Plan

Doors and Windows Critical to any good feng shui floor plan is the position of doors and windows. In simple terms, the relationship between the windows and doors in a room defines the flow of energy; the function of the doors and windows is to channel light and energy. The Role of Doors and Windows in Feng Shui The shape, size, placement, and overall energy of doors and windows in any given floor plan...

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